Fair Housing

Category: Class

Start Date: 4/17/2025 at 10:00 AM

End Date: 4/17/2025 at 12:00 PM

Cost: FREE for Members - Thanks to a NAR® Grant!
          $40 for Non-members

**Education Pass Accepted**

Instructor: Reggie Copeland "The Bow-Tie Guy"

Sponsor: Rocky Scott with Select Lending Home Loans

Approved for 2 Hr. CE /PL Fair Housing & Accounts toward your NAR® Requirement

Providing equal access to housing is one of the most important jobs that a real estate licensee performs. For many years, some consumers were denied access to fair housing and thus full participation in the American dream; licensees who understand fair housing laws and their history are critical to correcting past injustices.  This fair housing course provides a review of all fair housing laws, including recent changes, but also seeks to challenge licensees to examine their own implicit biases because, if they are to provide bias free service to consumers, they must first be aware of their own implicit biases and the history that may have led to the development of those biases. 


If you have any questions, please contact educ@gprealtors.net


The class has a NO refund cancellation or transfer policy.  Additionally, if 10 minutes or more of the class you registered for is missed, you WILL NOT receive any DPOR or Designation/Certification credit if applicable.  GPR reserves the right to cancel due to a lack of participation.  There is a no cancellation or transfer policy for all Non-members.


Please note: 
If Fauquier County government offices are closed due to extreme weather conditions, all GPR Classes and Meetings will be cancelled



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